Sunday 12 February 2012

Logo Research

I just started with a basic google search for health food logos, to get a feel for colours and symbols, to make sure it was consistent with my mood board. I found this great logo 

Then I went on to look at some healthy food logos, but instead found some diet food logos, which were still a good reference for typography and colouration.

Top 10 Diet Food Logos

1. Healthy Choice Diet Food Logo Design

Nothing says healthy like a rich, natural green, which is what makes this such an appropriate color for the Healthy Choice logo. The use of two different greens creates visual interest in the health logo, while the rounded letters are nonthreatening and inclusive. While there is no image, the L in ‘Healthy’ and the dot of the I in ‘Choice’ are cleverly drawn to create an exclamation point. This gives the impression that this is a safe yet exciting choice for people trying to lead a healthier lifestyle. 

2. ZonePerfect Nutrition Bar Logo Design

The Zone diet is touted to be about balance and combining foods in a way that encourages health and weight loss. For this reason, the divided circle that is contained in the O of ‘Zone’ in the brand’s logo design is very appropriate and communicative. The bold block letters of the first word combined with the graceful cursive of ‘Perfect’ further the sense of balance. Blue is a calming choice for a dominant color, while the reds and yellows used as accent colors are commonly associated with food. 

3. Weight Watchers Raw Diet Food Logo Design

Again we see a calming, serene blue as a dominant color in the logo design along with rounded letters to create a friendly feeling. However, the brand shows its strength with inverted triangular shapes in the letter ‘W’. A natural green and a sunny, attention getting yellow are combined to create a wave shape, which communicates movement. The sense of calm and the positive attitude that permeate this logo have likely been a large contributor to the brand’s success. 

4. Kashi Go Lean Food Diet Logo Design

The logo design of this all natural company’s weight loss products is cleverly arranged to imply weight loss. The lettering goes from very thick on the left to extremely thin on the right, showing the change that prospective customers are hoping to see in themselves. The deep brown and rust red used in the words is eye catching and earthy at the same time. The Kashi logo is prominently displayed above the lettering to tie the product in to its parent company. 

5. EDiets Food and Diet Logo Design

This website is a little different from its competitors because it offers not just a line of diet foods, but a virtual support system and tools for tracking and managing weight loss. The aim is to make weight loss easier and more convenient, making the blue color scheme used in the logo design once again an excellent choice. The writing is rounded and, once again, drawn to become thinner as it moves to the right. The star used to dot the I implies success, which is definitely a positive image for people trying to lose weight. 

6. Lean Cuisine Diet Plan Logo Design

Instead of the calming blue used by so many weight loss companies, Lean Cuisine uses a youthful and positive orange, again with a mix of thick and thin lettering. The letters are otherwise simple, with an image of a chef’s hat implying gourmet quality food. The tagline below implores consumers to ‘Do something good for yourself’ in a modern gray color. This logo design offers a brand promise of quality food that will be relevant to people who don’t want to give up their favorites.

7. Nutrisystem Weight Loss Diet Logo Design

The Nutrisystem logo uses a simple, sophisticated black for its letters, along with the size variation that is common in this niche industry. The effect is stark and modern, with the only image or splash of color being a leaf used to dot the eye. This gives the logo design a natural, green image that will appeal to many customers. 

8. Atkins Nutritionals Protein Diet Logo Design
A bold ‘A’ pulls the eye to this logo design and helps the product stand out on the shelf. The Atkins diet is one of the most popular in the United States, so a blue ribbon showing the brand’s ‘blue ribbon’ status is very appropriate. The wording is bold so that customers can see that this brand is part of the well known diet. The edging on the ribbon adds visual interest and detail. You can’t look at this logo without knowing which diet it supports, making it an effective design. 

9. Diet Pepsi Max Weight Loss Diets Logo Design

It was only a matter of time before one of the many diet soft drinks on the market decided to get in on this huge market by creating a product designed to offer more for dieters than a zero calorie beverage. Diet Pepsi Max is surely the first of many. The logo design features a blue circle for a calm, friendly feeling, along with the familiar Pepsi logo. The word ‘Max’ is written in bold, pointy letters for an edgy feeling. The serifs are pointed in a way that contributes to a feeling of movement. 

10. South Beach Living Health Food Logo Design

This logo design attempts to set the brand apart from the others in several ways. First, a square shape is used instead of a circle. Second, instead of emphasizing dieting and weight loss, the logo prominently accents the word ‘living’ by giving it a different font. The blue-green and the palm tree are both tropical images that tie into the ‘South Beach’ concept around which the brand and the logo are designed. The South Beach Diet is popular, so South Beach Living has a lot to gain by being obviously related to it.
What do these logos have in common? While the similarities in shape and colour are obvious, they, like all good logo designs, communicate a promise to the consumer. In this case, the promise is weight loss and a generally healthier lifestyle, but a logo can say just about anything if designed by a qualified logo designer.

After seeing the diet pepsi max logo, I did another google search, and found the image below. I will never be able to look at the pepsi logo again without laughing!

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