Monday 27 February 2012

Logo Development

For my logo, I started by looking for suitable typefaces that matched the brand image while still being fun enough to appeal to the children sector of the target market.

The typeface that was chosen to be most suitable was 'Hurry Up'. I had some doubts about readability at small sizes, but one the vector graphic was reducced to a small size, the typefface was still legible.

I started to develop the logo with the idea of a hand picking up an apple, to represent choosing healthy choices, but after some class feedback, decided to simplify the hand and apple as to not lose detail when the logo is reduced in size.
To simplify the design, I took away all the detail of the fingers and tried some solid colour blocks for the apple and hand to see how it looked with colours and solids, versus the outline.
I chose the outlined hand and apple with white fill. Once the design was chosen, I applied different CMYK combinations to find a suitable colour for the logo. I read the logo colour meanings article to see how different colours are interpreted by the consumer and went with a dark blue made of C100 and M100 with Y0 and K0.

Here are some mockups with the logo and typeface together in the chosen colour. And below is a mock up of what the chosen logo would look like on a business card.

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